Molybdic acid, also known as molybdic(VI) acid or hexaoxo molybdenum acid, is a chemical compound with the molecular formula H₂MoO₄. It is an oxoacid of molybdenum and is derived from molybdenum trioxide (MoO₃). Molybdic acid is a strong acid and exists as a white crystalline solid.

The structure of molybdic acid is composed of molybdenum atoms bonded to six oxygen atoms, forming a hexagonal coordination arrangement. The chemical formula H₂MoO₄ indicates that each molecule of molybdic acid contains two hydrogen atoms, two molybdenum atoms, and four oxygen atoms.

Molybdic acid is highly soluble in water and exhibits acidic properties. It can act as a reducing agent and is often used in analytical chemistry for the detection and determination of various substances. It is also employed as a catalyst in chemical reactions, particularly in the synthesis of organic compounds.

Molybdic acid and its salts find applications in several industries, including metallurgy, electronics, ceramics, and chemical manufacturing. They are utilized as corrosion inhibitors, catalysts, and additives in various processes. Additionally, molybdic acid is used in the production of pigments, dyes, and fertilizers.

Molybdic acid is an intermediate compound that readily reacts with other substances or undergoes further transformations, leading to the formation of different molybdenum compounds, such as molybdates and molybdenum oxides.